Laser Services
Intense pulsed light is not a laser, but a powerful light source that has the ability to penetrate the skin with minimal damage. It filters various wavelengths of light to react with specific skin conditions. This device targets pigment such as freckles, sun spots and age spots, small red facial vessels, it stimulates collagen to soften fine lines and helps to subdue redness from rosacea.
The procedure would be described as minimally uncomfortable and little to no downtime. Redness and swelling can occur however, this usually disappears shortly after the procedure. Benefits gradually occur over time (12weeks) and best results are seen with 3-5 treatments. Sun exposure should be avoided 4 weeks prior to treatment and 4 weeks post treatment. The ideal candidate is light, untanned skin with good elasticity.
Palomar 1540 Laser
This laser combines the potency of ablative lasers with the gentle safety of non-ablative lasers to treat a variety of cosmetic conditions. The 1540 use micro beams to extend deep into the dermal layers of the skin. This non-ablative fractional method promotes quick healing in the dermis while leaving the outer epidermis untouched. This is used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, pigmentation, and skin tightening. The Palomar 1540 is collagen stimulator for overall facial rejuvenation!
Best results are seen with 3-5 treatments. Most patients experience social downtime of 2-4 days, with some minimal redness and swelling. Sun avoidance in mandatory 4 weeks prior and 8 weeks post.
Picosure provides breakthrough technology to revitalize your skin, remove unwanted pigment, and treat wrinkles and acne scars. This device delivers short bursts of energy to target problem areas without causing harm to the surrounding skin. The “photo acoustical” impact of the laser will destroy pigment, stimulate new cell growth, and increase collagen production. This device is the desired machine for tattoo removal.
The procedure would be described as minimally uncomfortable and little to no downtime. Redness and swelling can occur however, this usually disappears shortly after the procedure. Benefits gradually occur over time (12weeks) and best results are seen with 3-5 treatments. Sun exposure should be avoided 4 weeks prior to treatment and 4 weeks post treatment. The ideal candidate is light, untanned skin with good elasticity.
“3 for Me” 1540 and PhotoFacial Treatment
This combo targets wrinkles, pigment and red facial vessels all in one service! An IPL photofacial is performed first, followed by the Palomar 1540 laser for amazing results. Best results are seen with 2 treatments, and an average of 3-5 days downtime. As always sun avoidance 4 weeks prior and 8 weeks post are an absolute.