Learn alongside Dr. Kevin Davison ND, L.Ac at The Maui Regenerative Medicine Clinic – a unique, comfortable, and tranquil setting on Maui’s lush north shore.

Since 2001 Dr. Kevin Davison has treated thousands of patients using prolotherapy and regenerative injection techniques. Proper instruction in these unique injection techniques is the key to becoming a successful prolotherapist. Even if a practitioner is able to perform standard injections this does not necessarily mean they are prepared to start performing prolotherapy. Prolotherapy involves a unique technique of palpation and clinical observation skills in order to have successful outcomes. Injection methodology is uniquely important in RIT. Knowledge of anatomy, injection technique, solutions used, and plenty of experience are crucial to success.

In Dr. Davison’s training you will learn and experience:

  • The key elements of diagnosis to determine which patients are good prolotherapy candidates
  • Physical exam techniques and palpation methods to determine the optimal location for treatment
  • Observation of Dr. Davison’s technique and skill with prolotherapy
  • Hands-on training on fellow trainees

SIGN UP to receive updates on MRM’s Prolotherapy Trainings and Early Bird discounts!

MRM Training Values:

  • SMALL GROUP : All of our courses are kept small to provide a favorable teacher to student ratio. This will provide one-on-one time to learn the more intricate aspects of this unique healing system.
  • HANDS ON: The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherpy and RIT techniques.
  • INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO POST TREATMENT CARE: We will teach you key regenerative exercises to compliment your treatments, fast track your rehab, and shorten recovery time.

Courses Offered

  • Level 1 Prolotherapy Course- pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the upper and lower extremities including the shoulder. Techniques include Hackett-Hemwall prolotherapy.
  • Level 2 Prolotherapy Course – pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the lumbo-sacral spine, pelvic ligament and tendon insertions, and the hip joint. Techniques include Hackett-Hemwall prolotherapy.
  • Level 3 Prolotherapy Course – pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the cervical and thoracic spine, thoraco-chondral joints, TMJ, and occiput. Techniques include Hackett-Hemwall prolotherapy.
  • PRP concentrating techniques- differential, extraction, and effective utilization of plasma concentration methods using medical laboratory equipment.
  • Stem Cell Prolotherapy treatment


Level 1 Maui Dec 9-11 2016

This training session will focus on the essentials of level one regenerative injection techniques that produce effective results in myofascial and neuromuscular pain syndromes. In addition you will learn key regenerative exercises to compliment your treatments, fast track your rehab, and shorten recovery time.

Level one involves understanding the nature of myofascial pathology due to acute and chronic trauma. Trauma to the ligaments, joints, capsules and their attachment sites and the relationship to chronic myofascial and neuromuscular pain will be addressed. Also we will define and learn to treat other pain syndromes that do not follow classic dermatomal pain patterns.

Description: Level one covers the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the upper and lower extremities including the shoulder and knee. We will learn accurate assessment of those injury sites and the latest most effective ways to treat them using prolotherapy. The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherapy and RIT techniques. The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherapy and RIT techniques.

Pre-requisite: ND, NMD, MD, DO, DC, DOM, ARNP or PA degree with active license, or 4th year medical student. Must have malpractice insurance.
CME hours: 20 hours
Dates: Dec 9-11, 2016
Location: Maui Regenerative Medicine Clinic
2310 Umi Place, Haiku, HI
Review Course Syllabus
Review course Schedule
Price: $1997.00 includes tax, education and practicum materials

Prolotherapy training content- Level 1


Friday December 9, 12:00pm-4:00pm
Saturday December 10, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm
Sunday December  11, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm


  • Understanding the collagen matrix
  • Make up of connective tissue
  • Healthy versus damaged collagen matrix
  • Signs and symptoms of connective tissue damage
  • Hackett’s early work with referral pain patterns
  • Pathophysiology of collagen enthesopathy and joint mobility
  • Pain compensation model
  • RIT defined
  • Regeneration and restoration of collagen matrix through nutrition, detoxification, regenerative exercises for connective tissue restoration and RIT
  • Corecentric Movement Practice explained
  • Proper rehabilitation exercise
  • Practical application of Corecentric Movement  Practice


  • Review of Corecentric Movement  Practice with a focus on rehab of upper extremities
  • Review of injury pathology of upper extremity –hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder
  • Exam and diagnosis of upper extremity
  • Treatment of upper extremity-ligament, capsule attachment and intra-articular injection methods.
  • Practicum of injection techniques of upper extremity


  • Corecentric Movement  Practice practice with a focus on rehab of lower extremities
  • Review of injury pathology of lower extremity-foot, ankle, knee
  • Exam and diagnosis of Lower extremity
  • Treatment of lower extremity-ligaments, capsule attachments and intra-articular injection methods.
  • Practicum of injection techniques of lower extremity

Go to this page to register:

Level One Prolotherapy Course: May 20-22, 2016

This training session will focus on the essentials of level one regenerative injection techniques that produce effective results in myofacial and neuromuscular pain syndromes. In addition you will learn key regenerative exercises to compliment your treatments, fast track your rehab, and shorten recovery time.

Level one involves understanding the nature of myofascial pathology due to acute and chronic trauma. Trauma to the ligaments, joints, capsules and their attachment sites and the relationship to chronic myofacsial and neuromuscular pain will be addressed.  Also we will define and learn to treat other pain syndromes that do not follow classic dermatomal pain patterns.

Description: Level one covers the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the upper and lower extremities including the shoulder. We will learn accurate assessment of those injury sites and the latest most effective ways to treat them using prolotherapy. The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherapy and RIT techniques. The intensive will be divided into three parts- webinar, didactic, and  hands-on practical application. The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherpy and RIT techniques.

Pre-requisite: ND, NMD, MD, DO, DC, DOM, ARNP or PA degree with active license, or 4th year medical student. Must have malpractice insurance.

CME hours: 20 hours
Dates: May 20,21,22,  2016
Location: Maui Regnerative Medicine
2310 Umi Place, Haiku, HI
Review Course Syllabus
Review course Schedule
Price: $1997.00 includes tax, education and practicum materials


If you have any questions regarding this, or any of the courses, please email Perri Ricci our training coordinator at prolotrainingsmrm@gmail.com

Reserve your spot early.

If interested in the course please save your place early as we will reserve spots on a first come first serve basis. Space is limited. Payment in full is due to reserve your spot. A full refund will be given if cancellation is 30 days prior to the event.

We recommend to consult air bnb, vrbo or other accommodations near the education site in the towns of haiku, paia, or sprecklesville. Kahului, OGG is the airport to fly into. For transportation you can rent a car at the airport.

Email Perri Ricci, training coordinator, to enroll in this course or if you have any questions at prolotrainingsmrm@gmail.com

Level Two Prolotherapy Course: March 11-13,  2016

COURSE FULL. Sign up to receive updates on added courses.

This training session will focus on the essentials of level two regenerative injection techniques that produce effective results in myofacial and neuromuscular pain syndromes. In addition you will learn key regenerative exercises to compliment your treatments, fast track your rehab, and shorten recovery time. The intensive will be divided into two parts- didactic and hands-on practical application.

Description: Level 2 prolotherapy focuses on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the lumbo-sacral spine, pelvic ligament and tendon insertions, and the hip joint. The intensive will be divided into two parts- didactic and hands-on practical application. The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherapy and RIT techniques.

Pre-requisite: Level 1 prolo course or sufficient training and experience performing regenerative injection techniques ND, NMD, MD, DO, DC, DOM, ARNP or PA degree with active license, or 4th year medical student.

CME hours: 20 hours
Dates: March 11,12,13
Location: UBC Robson Square
800 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC
Downtown Vancouver

Syllabus:Level 2 Course Outline
Price: $1997.00 includes tax, education and practicum materials

Level two involves understanding the nature of myofascial pathology due to acute and chronic trauma. Trauma to the ligaments, joints, capsules and their attachment sites and the relationship to chronic myofacsial and neuromuscular pain will be addressed. Also we will define and learn to treat other pain syndromes that do not follow classic dermatomal pain patterns.

Level two covers the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of the lumbo-sacral spine, pelvic ligament and tendon insertions, and the hip joint. We will learn accurate assessment of those injury sites and the latest most effective ways to treat them using prolotherapy.


If you have any questions regarding this, or any of the courses, please email Perri Ricci our training coordinator at prolotrainingsmrm@gmail.com

Level 3 Prolotherapy Course: June 10,11,12  2016

To participate in the level three course you must have  prior experience (level 1 and/or level 2 course at MRM or sufficient training and experience performing regenerative injection techniques).

The course will be kept small to provide a favorable teacher to student ratio. This will provide one-on-one time to learn the more intricate aspects of this unique healing system.

This training session will focus on the essentials of level three regenerative injection techniques that produce effective results in myofacial and neuromuscular pain syndromes. In addition you will learn key regenerative exercises to compliment your treatments, fast track your rehab, and shorten recovery time.

Description: Level three covers the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and effective treatment of acute and chronic injury of cervical and thoracic spine, thoracocostal joints, TMJ, and occiput. We will learn accurate assessment of those injury sites and the latest most effective ways to treat them using prolotherapy. The intensive will be divided into two parts- didactic and hands-on practical application. The majority of this course will be hands-on/practical application of the most effective prolotherapy and RIT techniques.

Level three involves understanding the nature of myofascial pathology due to acute and chronic trauma. Trauma to the ligaments, joints, capsules and their attachment sites and the relationship to chronic myofacsial and neuromuscular pain will be addressed.  Also we will define and learn to treat other pain syndromes that do not follow classic dermatomal pain patterns.

Pre-requisite: Level 1  and/or level 2 prolo course at MRM or sufficient training and experience performing regenerative injection techniques ND, NMD, MD, DO, DC, DOM, ARNP or PA degree with active license.

CME hours: 20 hours
Dates: June 10,11,12, 2016
Location: Maui Regenerative Medicine
2310 Umi Place, Haiku, HI
Price: $1997.00 includes tax, education and practicum materials


We are offering an early bird special discount of 20% for students who have taken level 1 or 2 at MRM. In order to receive the discount, we must receive payment of the FULL early bird tuition by April 25. This special is only for the level 3 training and is only for returning students.


If you have any questions regarding this, or any of the courses, please email Perri Ricci our training coordinator at prolotrainingsmrm@gmail.com

Not ready to sign up now, but would like to receive updates on new trainings added to the line up? Sign up here.

Dr. Kevin Davison was a faculty lecturer and trainer for teaching practicum with the Naturopathic Academy of Therapeutic Injections (NATI) from 2006-2010.

References available upon request.